The drive into Van Nuys… ah like totally in the valley… for the Best of France and Italy Car Show wasn’t particularily hot on this November 1st morning but it was still only ten o’clock. The things I hate most about car shows in California is how hot it gets by mid-day. Should I wear shorts, pants, maybe jeans and a t-shirt, big hat for the sun, baseball hat, tennis shoes, flip flops. What’s a boy to do? We drove in a classic 1958 Desoto with big fins, big vinyl-couch seats and big windows. Big glorious windows that let the wind smooth out your hat-head hair and give you some cool. But the vinyl seats, well, they just make your butt sweat.
See the feature story on the magazine side here.
The show has been going on since I 2001 and is cheap to register, $15 bucks. That beats the $125 or whatever Concorso Italiano is charging these days.