Not For Sale – 1972 Porsche 914 with 2.0 Liter Engine Swap
You can still load the post and then click here for all the details and photos. But ultimately, I’ve decided to work on this one more since it didn’t sell in a year.
You can still load the post and then click here for all the details and photos. But ultimately, I’ve decided to work on this one more since it didn’t sell in a year.
SOLD Clean tub with fiberglass flares No apparent accident damage Really clean trunks and rocker panels with no rust Fiberglass rocker covers included Looks like floors were replaced The motor mounts will need some attention Wiring harness in good original … Continued
So tough to tell from these photos but there doesn’t appear to be a lot of rust. It’s probably a lot worse as you get up close. On Northern Michigan Craigslist.