I’ve been a little remiss in getting my weekly project posted. It’s been busy around the ranch but the latest update is the 914 “green beast” is up for sale on eBay. I built a webpage for it on the blog (see the above navigation link), shot a bunch of photos and took a video.
Also, I got my front brake calipers back from Brake Warehouse. They were rebuilt after my many failed attempts to blow the pistons out of the calipers with compressed air. They look and work fantastic. However, the latest fix I’m going through is the shift linkage. If you see that top picture, that would be the coupler pieces totally blow apart. The ball cup under the shifter was exactly the same, completely destroyed. Is any wonder I only had 1st-3rd and reverse? Is it any wonder I could actually find 1st-3rd and reverse?
I’ve got most of the pieces (some from The Coupler Whisperer the rest from Pelican) replaced at this point but need to put everything back together plus adjust the throttle linkage and pedal assembly.
Will P.
What…no pictures of the calipers? 🙂