There is a simple reason I don’t write this blog much anymore. I’m trying to sell down. When I look at Craigslist, Bring a Trailer and eBay, I want to buy. Ah no, I’m not buying this but man, am I looking hard at it. This has American Pickers folk lore all over it. A purpose built go-kart with a 350 Honda motor and transmission in it. The rounded metal shape hearkens back to belly tank racers but the motorcycle gas tank above it says I’m thinking about formula racing. The meaty tires look aggressive next to the coil over suspension, if not slightly out of place because I feel this should be racing on the track on slicks instead of off road. Still I love the look, the blue color and the decals. Rolling sculpture for sure.
Find this for sale on Flint Michigan’s Craigslist as of August 21, 2019. If the link doesn’t work, it’s most likely sold.
Hellz yeah!