Recently, I got very scared by Ferrari who clearly has been taking lessons from Apple. The black matte car wrap on this car was not the chill factor but rather the notion of maintaining this C3 magnet of chicks, cops and children should it ever break. This Ferrari with 26K miles is priced in the mid-60’s on eBay. A quick scan of the dollars reveals it’s about mid-pack on pricing, so let’s call it market correct. What scared me was this month’s article in Sports Car Market on Ferrari maintenance costs which can bring market correct to martian money.
I’m paraphrasing the gist of the article but federal law requires manufacturers to support a vehicle through parts production 10 years past the final assembly line push off. After 10 years, you’re SOL my friend. For example and I quote “need your 360 or F430 dash backlights repaired? How about your 550, 575, 599 or 612 dash video display repaired? Ferrari only sells a new instrument cluster at $4K to $10K.” You can get them rebuilt by independent shops for about $1K however. I’m sorry the lights broke and it’ll cost $1K?
Want a NOS heater and a/c unit for a 348? $4K
How about a 308 brake booster? $1,395
Got a F50 that needs a circuit board? $15K
What really chaps my pajama bottoms, that I’m wearing as I write this, is that standard OBD2 boxes don’t translate Ferrari codes because they use special made up languages. It starts to feel like Apple computers that won’t let my iPod talk to the different computers we OWN in my house to transfer music. “Sorry it looks like you are synced with another computer, would you like to erase everything and start over?” No. But I would like to lay some smack down on your leader.
All said, I would like to erase my devotion to Apple products but I still find them completely superior to PC based machines. I’ll simply bitch my way through the nickle and diming, upgrading or buying multiple products to do what one should. Ferrari builds in exclusivity by excluding most everybody from working on your car. You are either in their inner circle because you’ve committed or you should be committed for wanting to get in. Oh sure, there is an elite status, incredible driving experience and a close relationship with your mechanic which is good for some. But it’s why this old man drives classic Porsches with a tape deck.
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