“Barn Find. Well it’s never really been lost… My dad and I rolled it into my shed, covered it and there it’s sat for the last 15 years. It was a restored driver (numbers don’t match but I believe the drivetrain is all correct for the year). 5 years before it was stored we gave it to a competent body man who had a little drug problem. He took it all apart, mounted it on a rotiserie, and then did a couple stints in the big house. Finally he was clean and sober, painted it, installed all new rubber and put it mostly back together. The exterior was a solid 8 when we put it away but I suspect the interior is original and I’d call it just passable. It ran good before the restoration, no excuses, but I am certain it won’t start now, I won’t even try and won’t even let you try. Plan to go through the engine, carbs, fuel tank and you’ll need to spend some time and money on the interior. I have the title in hand. The picture is of a similar car (this one has a car cover on it that has been covered with 15 years of dust). I went and looked at it yesterday, it is about the same as we left it, which menas you’ll have to spend 3-6 months to get it back on the road. If you need to ask silly questions, don’t bother calling, it was my dad’s and I only have a basic knoweledge of these cars. Unless you crazy-love these old Porsches I really don’t think you will want this car. Also, I won’t give it away so please don’t call and make crazy offers over the phone. Will try to get some pictures later today.:”
On Detroit Craigslist.
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