Restoration Wednesday

posted in: Online Around the Net | 2

The seats were covered yet the passenger side was perfect underneath.  However, the driver side tells the tale of much butt causing a rut.  To be expected at this point in its life as the cushion loses pushin’, the vinyl stretches longer and lower finally giving way in the middle. I’ve gone through and given the seats a good scrubbing, polished the chrome side brackets, drilled out a broken mounting bolt and anchored a new bolt in, plus lubed things.  

• Put on a vintage Italvolanti Indianapolis Formel Leather steering wheel
• Pulled the Kmart radio and wiring
• Polished the chrome handles between the seats and chrome trim on dash
• Vacuumed and cleaned
• Started trouble shooting a blowing fuse for the interior lights and clock

Meanwhile, I’m rebuilding the front wheel bearings, turning the rotors and adding new pads.  Hopefully that will clear out all humming.  A week from Saturday, the 17th, is the Woodward Dream Cruise.  But every night next week sets the stage with boulevard cruising.  The week prior, Woodward is packed with cherry cars who don’t want to chew exhaust sitting in a parking lot on the cruise day itself.  Think worse bumper to bumper traffic ever where people walking will beat you all day long.  I fully plan to make the one hour drive from my house a few times after work next week to cruise the strip.

2 Responses

  1. PBW

    I noticed your wooden gear knob and have seen a few of these on older 911/912’s, any idea if they are a popular aftermarket or original parts? My 912 also has a 5-speed one but not 100% sure yet if it’s just the knob or comes with the 5-spd transmission, any ideas??

    • Paul "Groosh" Grusche

      That’s a good question. I’ve found these on several older 912/911s as well. They have a nice Porsche crest on them which leads me to believe they were made by Porsche but not sure.

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