It’s a cool looking car, right? I mean they are not worth anything right now. They require special Swedish tools to work on them. The motor on this example came from a ’84 or ’74 depending on when you saw the ad last (and I’ve been watching it for three weeks) which is an upgrade from the Triumph sourced, water cooled 1.7 it originally came with. And they are probably uninspiring drivers.
But do you see what I see? Twin headlights, dark green over beige, side vents, classic three gauge dash with two spoke steering wheel. A pleasing design. The owner took off the dented bumpers since he originally posted the car for sale and I’ll admit it, I’d probably drive it that way. It looks a little sleeker as most cars of that era when you drop the five-mile-an-hour opps savers.
Come on… and free delivery!
Find it for sale on Detroit Craigslist.
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